Monday, November 16, 2009

Water Deep dinner.

Back on October 21st, the band Water Deep came to play at TAFT. I was asked to cater their meal for them, and was handed my first rider. It was in writing that then would like a non-red meat option, two veggies, a green salad, dinner roll and dessert!

I decided that I would make Indian food for them!! So on this plate, we have Chicken Tikka Masala, roasted cauliflower, indian spiced carrot soup (2nd veggie), cucumber salad, homemade Naan and chai cupcakes! It ended up feeding around 20 people! One gal even said she was really in the mood for Indian food and was so excited that I had "ordered" some.....then she was informed that I made it! It was a great compliment and she didn't even know it! If you haven't already heard of Water Deep, you should check them out. It was the most beautiful music to listen to after a days work done.....oh wait there is still clean up.


  1. What a beautiful little blog! I will put you on my google reader:)

  2. Chai Cupcakes, where's the recipe? I want to try them.
